
spot effects

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spot effects为短语/超纲词汇
1. But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effects upon these American sailors.
    但是无论是精神病学的走访或客观的试验, 都不能显示噪音对这些美国水兵有任何影响.

2. Brad: Nice game! A shower and whirlpool should really hit the spot.

3. But penicillin, too, has its side effects.

4. With isolation, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least that’s what you think.

5. This cross marks the spot where she died.

6. This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets,

7. The illness had not really left her; it had gone into hiding, instead, and the physical and mental after-effects of that historical August 6, 1945, would trouble Kaz all the rest of her life.

8. He would invent fanciful names on the spot.

9. Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,

10. His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of
